lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Justin Bieber, the girly "music" star

Hi pareventers, now I'm going to talk about a 16 year old "male" that sings shitty music and has a girly voice. This is Justin Bieber, the woman that tries to pass as a girl. The other day I was listening to the radio in the car with my mom, then, the song that I think it's called "Baby" started to play. I got really mad, and to prove that this bitch is a girl, I asked my mother: "Mom, this song wer'e hearing is singed by a boy or a girl?". And "rarely" she answered: A girl obviously. I started to laugh and told her that it was a "boy", she answered me back: let him, he hasn't gone through voice changing yet. Hearing that song kept me all the day angry. I can't hear some shitty commercial music like this one. He doesen't even write his own songs, he just sings what his producer tell him to sing. Ludacris, a raper that went veeerry low when he sang with this 16 year old girl in his video. And you wont believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SAID IN AN INTERVIEW THAT HIS FAME CAN ONLY COMPARE WITH THE FAME OF THE BEATLES ON THE 60's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her fans are just fucking 15 year old girls that doesen't like to hear good music or a real music message. They doesen't know how to analize music, to enjoy it, they just like to dance and sing anything that everyone's hearing. Lets see when he has the fame that Metallica, Iron Maiden, or Slayer has. Fuck this kid and fuck his girly voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOOK, I'M GAY!!!!!!!!!!